Making a Cooldown UI – Easy how to Unity Tutorial
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Links to all content (twitter, Instagram, shop, discord etc)
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Lots more tutorials on my youtube channel. Please subscribe if you are interested in more!
How to conform text or images to any image using photoshop, a quick and easy tutorial! Lots more on my youtube channel!
In this tutorial you make any type of isometric grid quickly and easily!
In tutorial you will use Unity and TextMeshPro to create fully colored and textured fonts which aren’t normally possible. This is super easy and fun!
I recently had a need in my development to make a plane fit the screen perfectly no matter what the resolution and aspect ratio of the device using an orthographic camera. Turns out it isn’t too hard using C# you just need this line: transform.localScale = new Vector3(Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2.0f* Screen.width / Screen.height, Camera.main.orthographicSize *[…]