MetaMini Gameplay teaser
Going to be interested to see how people play to get the highest scores
Going to be interested to see how people play to get the highest scores
I just learnt how to make animated gifs so here is a quick teaser of the game I am working on!
Here is a quick video demoing a 3D sliding puzzle game based on the classic tile sliders.
I just got a green screen and set it up. I did some basic editing and here is a video of my results. I was amazed how well it worked despite the creases (I am not capble of being trusted with an iron). I even wore a shirt with green in it so I had[…] Some people on youtube reviewed the app. Be warned there is some excessive language in it!
Here is a quick review of one of my classes 🙂 Thinkspace is as close to a Creativity Museum as we get
Been playing around with prototype for a Q*bert inspired game. Take a look!
I have been working towards getting Metamini completed thanks to some encouragement from people who want me to give them a version they can download! I had been really stuck about how to “finish” the game since I didn’t want death to mean you had to restart on all the multipliers you have built up.[…]
New version of the light box featuring puzzles full of colour 🙂 Android will be coming soon. Just working on an achievement system 🙂
Some people have playing Flipping Tiles almost 50 times, clearly fun to play(only iOS for now) 🙂