Drawing some wizards
Just drawing some wizards to make a little framework of a game to teach people to make games in Unity3D.
Just drawing some wizards to make a little framework of a game to teach people to make games in Unity3D.
I was interviewed in GEreports for my thoughts on coding! Read the story here!
I recently had a need in my development to make a plane fit the screen perfectly no matter what the resolution and aspect ratio of the device using an orthographic camera. Turns out it isn’t too hard using C# you just need this line: transform.localScale = new Vector3(Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2.0f* Screen.width / Screen.height, Camera.main.orthographicSize *[…]
I decided my logo for twitter was a little bit too black so I replaced with something a little more colourful!
I did a poster for Museums Australia conference on the Thinker1 board we designed at the museum. Here it is: Museums Australia Thinker1 Poster
I was asked to make a quick tutorial on how Scratch could be used to engage young learners in math and this is what I came up with!
I was interviewed as part of their Minecraft special in the feature story. You can check it out on youtube! For the week starting 8th of November it will be on the main page, after that you need to just look up ep 38 in the episodes section for 2014!
If you are interested in seeing the work I have done feel fee to download a magazine of my work.
Read the interview at http://workrevolt.com/interview-indie-developer-james-oliver/ work revolt
I have been playing with Scratch, a block based visual programming language for kids, to control Ardunio microcontrollers. Check it out in action!